Competitions & Promotions

There are a variety of initiatives and activities we have planned to help you enhance your involvement in the show and promote your products and services to our growing network. If you’re interested in getting involved in any of the below or have any questions, please email us here.

Content Promotion:

The growing SAAS Community of 40,000+ subscribers receive regular updates through our monthly newsletter. If you have any content, articles or resources you’d like us to promote, please send us the information via email to review internally and if suitable for our audience, we’ll share it throughout our e-communications and social channels.

Include Prizes in our SAAS Goodie Bag:

The first 100 visitor’s through the doors at the SAASHOW Birmingham will be able to collect a free SAAS Tote Bag, containing prizes, giveaways and freebies from exhibitors at the show. You’ll also be able to include leaflets/ information on where to find you on the show floor! Want to get involved? Email us here before Friday 18th October with information on what you’d like to offer in the bag and we’ll get back to you with the next steps.

Special Offers:

We will promote any special offers, competitions or prizes that you will be launching at the show across our marketing channels, website here and on our event app. We’ll also share a full list of all competitions, giveaways and discounts that all exhibitors will be providing at the show in a pre-event newsletter sent to all our visitors. We will encourage visitors to come to your stand and benefit from your specific competition, giveaway or discount that you inform us of.

This is a great way to increase your brand’s awareness within our community, promote your products and services and increase traffic to your stand on the day.

Here’s an example of how we will promote your special offer with our visitors:

“GovNet – Stand D4: GovNet will be providing visitors to the #SAAShow an exclusive £100 discount if they come to the stand and sign up for one of their free consultations”

If you are running any discounts, special giveaways or prize draws for visitors, please email us here and we will share the information across our channels.

Exhibitor Registration Competition:

We are delighted that for our shows in 2025 we will be hosting an exclusive ‘Exhibitor Registration Competition’ for our exhibitors. All exhibitors should have been sent their unique registration tracking link to share with their network of Schools, Colleges, Universities and MATs. If this isn’t the case, please get in touch with us here. Please ensure you use this link when promoting your involvement at the show across your marketing channels. The exhibitors that receive the top three amount of registrations will receive the following prizes:

1. £5,000 discount towards your next purchase at one of the Schools & Academies Shows

2. £3,000 discount towards your next purchase at one of the Schools & Academies Shows

3. £2,000 discount towards your next purchase at one of the Schools & Academies Shows

* Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) apply.