The Conference for SENDCOs Making
an Impact in Education
SEND Conference | 15th May 2025 | Excel, London
Unlock the power of inclusive education and join us at the SEND Conference at the Excel, London on 15th May 2025. Located at the heart of the Schools & Academies Show, the conference provides an unparalleled opportunity to shape the future of SEND provision within your school.
The conference will offer practical guidance and tangible solutions to help SENDCOs across the country deliver high quality teaching and learning support for their pupils with special educational needs.
Join us to gain actionable insights, discover innovation and hear from leading practitioners and ensure your leave the conference empowered to spark change, maximise attainment and transform outcomes for pupils.
Co-Located with the Schools & Academies Show
The SEND Conference is co-located with the Schools & Academies Show on 15th May at Excel, London.
The Schools & Academies Show is a bi-annual event which attracts over 3,000 School Leaders from across the UK.
By co-locating, exhibitors and visitors will benefit from being able to meet and network with attendees from both shows, ensuring a chance to liaise with like-minded peers within the SEND community, as well as meeting senior leadership teams from wider schools and MATs.