A dedicated space showcasing groundbreaking practices implemented by Multi Academy Trusts

Showcasing MAT Innovations That Inspire
The MAT Showcase: What Makes It Essential?
At the Schools & Academies Show we know the value of dialogue and exploring ideas, and for that reason we have developed a brand-new feature for our show floor for London 2025. Introducing the MAT Showcase, a unique space for trusts to highlight the innovative and novel practices they have been engaging in.
Whilst our traditional content of presentations and panel discussions will always hold a dear place in our heart, this interactive feature will allow our delegates to learn about some of the cutting- edge work being undertaken in trust business management, the integration of technology, managing and retaining workforces and estates.
Through an array of soapbox talks, live demonstrations and engaging artefacts, a careful selection of some of the country’s leading trusts will share the story of how they seek to address some of the biggest challenges in the trust system.

Leading the Way in Educational Excellence
Be it aiming for operational excellence or integrating technology into your school estates or embedding it into the very core of your pedagogy, the MAT Showcase will allow our delegates to speak with the trusts involved at a leisurely pace, without the constraints of programming timing, and learn first had from the showcasing trusts how to address these pressing issues.
Live Demonstrations
Live teaching demonstrations will allow you to see first-hand exactly how technology can be interwoven into quality first teaching, at any key stage, to support pupil outcomes.
Soapbox Talks
Soapbox talks will provide informal and relaxed spaces to speak with representatives present and hear from them about the journey their trust has undertaken.
Get Answers & Engage
Trust representatives will be available throughout the day, allowing delegates to ask questions, explore ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations.

Driving Change & Delivering Impact
Ideas don’t spread on their own; they thrive through connections, shared understanding, and finding common ground. That’s the essence of the MAT Showcase; an opportunity for delegates and trusts to share their stories, experiences, and journeys, to sparking meaningful change.
MAT’s Featured in the Showcase Include:
Discussing operational excellence strategies
Shireland Collegiate Academy
On embedding Tech across every element of a trust