In Collaboration with the NGA

The NGA will have speaker presence in dedicated sessions across the Schools & Academies Show. In collaboration with the NGA, we have designed a dedicated Governance Trail of sessions relevant for  Governors, Trustees and Governance Professionals.

We, at the Schools & Academies Show, understand that governance cannot be viewed in isolation, as it is interwoven through every element of the school system. This is why we have a governance voice across much of our content and sessions relevant to this important cohort of the sector.

If you’re a school governor, then you will not run out of things to see and do at the show and the Governance Trail will act as a guide of our highlights!

Governance Trail 2024

Fireside Chat - Balancing The Books: Managing School Finances with Limited Resources
1:35pm to 2:05pm | Business and Finance Theatre

• How to respond to working at a budget deficit: what steps your setting should undertake
• Selecting expenditure priorities and non-negotiables
• Benchmarking spending patterns with similar settings to identify efficiency savings • Addressing challenges in 12-month cash flows and restricted monies
• Responding to a Notice of Financial Concern or to a Notice to Improve

• Clare Skinner, Business Manger, Kings Norton Girls School

The Benefits and Challenges of Working as a Cohesive Leadership Team
2:15pm to 3:00pm |
MAT Summit

• Promoting better understanding of the different roles within a trust and exploring the benefits this will bring
• Improving organisational efficiency and capacity through mutual understanding of functions
• Is there a space for cross-functional teams to enhance joint-planning and collective goal setting?

• Stephen Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer, Keystone Knowledge
• Rula Kanona, Director of Teaching and Learning, CORE Education Trust
• Lee Davis, Head of Finance, Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust
• Rowena Hackwood, Chief Executive Officer, Astra Academy Trust

Managing Change in Your Organisation: Building Capacity for Change and Improvement
2:20pm to 3:05pm | School Improvement Theatre

• School improvement fundamentally rests on your ability to implement change. Well managed change initiatives have a greater chance of long- term improvement, how can you implement change successfully?
• Laying the foundations in order to facilitate stakeholder buy-in and prevent resistance to change
• Monitoring, assessing and evaluating change to adjust course appropriately
• Giving you the tools to implement change within your school

• Shabs Ahmed, Head of Faculty for English (Film and Languages), County High School, Suffolk
•Lekha Sharma, School Improvement Lead, Avanti Schools Trust
•Sahreen Siddiqui, Director & Executive Headteacher, Wembley Multi Academy Trust

Having an AI Strategy in Place in Your Organisation
11:15am to 12:00pm |
EdTech Summit - Main Stage

• Establishing clear lines of accountability for AI strategy and leadership will be an essential requirement for education organisations moving forward
• How we can effectively support staff, students, and stakeholders in developing vision and policy within this rapidly evolving landscape, while also ensuring accessibility and achieving improved outcomes for learners
• Keeping your privacy on lock with an organisational AI policy
• Educating both staff and learners about the ‘ethical implications’ of using artificial intelligence

• Dan Worth, Senior Editor, tes
•Daniel Bull, Head of Learning Technologies, Leigh Academies Trust
•Dr Shaid Mahmood, Chair, Association of Colleges (AoC)
•Rashik Parmar MBE, Chief Executive, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Digital Safeguarding and Pupil Wellbeing: A Vital Piece of the EdTech Puzzle
1:30 PM to 2:30 PM |
EdTech Summit - Main Stage

• Research shows that most students who claimed to feel "confident" about safely using the internet lacked media literacy. How should pupils be best taught about digital literacy and online harms?
• There is a vital need to teach online safety skills beyond the classroom: Ways to better support parents in managing their children's online safety
• Digital Wellbeing: Understanding wellbeing challenges faced, building cultures that help all students to feel supported
• How can we identify online risks and empower students with a sense of responsibility to navigate them safely and effectively? Educating on Cyberbullying, Manipulation, and Grooming

• Dan Worth, Senior Editor, tes
• Jon Needham, National Director, Oasis Education
• Holly Hunt, Learning Technologist Team Leader, Basingstoke College of Technology
• Jenna Khanna, Regitonal Director (UK), Common Sense Media
• Karen Squillino, Local services Director, NSPCC
• Professor Sonia Livingstone, Digital Futures for Children Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Visit the NGA Stand!

Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with NGA representatives directly at the dedicated NGA stand (Stand E86), and discover more about what is coming up and the NGA’s priorities.